merging landscapes

By Sara Bermudez

Braiding Sweetgrass

Robin Wall Kimmerer

p. 9


Sara Bermudez

I navigate the art world with a perspective shaped by diverse experiences and cultural ​narrative. Born in South San Francisco, my identity merges American culture with the ​histories of Mexico and Nicaragua, against the backdrop of a competitive soccer career ​that led me to Brown University.

A concussion, ending my soccer career prematurely, propelled me into art, transforming ​a moment of loss and grief into profound introspection and creativity. My academic path ​intertwined gender and sexuality studies with art studies at the Rhode Island School of ​Design, cultivating a unique lens to examine the interplay of mind, body, and essence.

My painting and illustration work explores the spirit, the transient nature of our physical ​existence, and our profound ties to the earth's living ecosystems.

“Working with chaos is to ​regard whatever arises ​as awakened energy.”

Pema Chödrön

Art is my method for investigating themes of ​interconnectedness, materiality, and consciousness. I ​strive to uncover the threads that bind the individual to ​the collective and the personal with the universal.

My artistic practice embodies a reflective inquiry into ​the subjects. Through my art, I invite viewers to explore ​their experiences and perceptions, and contemplate ​the vast landscape of human consciousness and ​interconnectivity.

Sara Bermudez